Short fused!
11:41 a.m. Nov. 03, 2003
The current mood of at

I'm going to use this entry to bitch about be warned that it will probably be lame to read.

I've had little time for myself lately. I've had family over all weekend and I'm so relieved it's over. I am not hosting anymore family dinners. I am going to tell my brother to do them, my house gets way too messy and cluttered. I was a little peeved when my brother was storing all his camera equiptment here because he just left it laying all over the living room floor and all over my dining room table, plus he walked on my living room floor with his shoes on when there's snow outside. I'm sorry but some people have got to have some fucking respect for other people's places.

I don't think our family should have anymore get togethers until the christmas holidays because I know they will most likely be here and I need a break from them. I know I said we should move them to my brother's place, but it's small and not very comfortable. My mom's place is even smaller yet comfortable, then there is my sister's place, which has more seating than all of our houses and she only lives with her boyfriend. The only problem there is they make food that's odd, some of it's good but then some of it makes you never want to eat there ever again and that's the reason her place also has a permanent smell I don't like and she gets pretty anal about things when kids are there.

I just want some peace and quiet now. I'm becoming exhausted. Hosting for three days straight is just a little too much for everyone here. Everyone comes over to eat and stays late. No one is ever quiet so my kids have a horrible time sleeping. I have to make it a rule that I will only have one day out of the week(end) that I will have people over, if everyone wants to keep getting together after that, they can take it to their place.

I also know some of them read this and I want to let them know this is just a frustrated me needing a break, don't be offended.


The new website will be going up tonight. I have the design done, my domain name and Jesse is just finishing up some work on the guestbook. The calender's should be done very soon and work on a new series begins this week. I'm going to be so busy.

I am living in a world that is asleep - Jul. 17, 2007
- - May. 07, 2006
Small update, very small. - Nov. 21, 2005
Hurry up and eat some of this - Aug. 31, 2005
- - Aug. 18, 2005