12:08 a.m. Jun. 07, 2003
The current mood of at

Oh nifty. I can add an entry for once.

I'm now officially on the Macrobiotic diet. It suits my needs perfectly. I was basically already on it but after hearing all about it and reading up on it, I decided that I may as well just be on it officially.

I'm really bored right now. I didn't paint or anything at all. I was lazy. Very very lazy. It was gooood. I do plan to watch one of my scary movies tonight, even if I have to watch it alone.

Jesse brought me home flowers today. I'm not even sure what they are called, but there were some daisies in the mix. The one thing I really love about Jesse is he always makes sure that I have fresh flowers. He tries to be a great boyfriend, he's one of the kinds that is into giving gifts. I'm not really big into that, and I never really was, but if he wants to do it, then it's fine by me.

He even picks me up feminine products if I need them and i'm not able to get them. I don't know any guy that will do that so I feel blessed on that one. I don't know if he is just super nice or if he just doesn't care what people might think of him.

I just got off the phone with my mom for another update on my brother. He was doing good this afternoon until is asthma kicked in. Now he's having a really rough time because the infection spread through his system and I guess it really hurts his head to cough. Morphine doesn't help at all. My mom said there is stuff coming out of my brother's ears and the tube in his throat. I feel like crying. I can't believe he's suffering so much just from a tooth.

That dentist is a retard. I seriously think my mom should get a lawyer.

I am living in a world that is asleep - Jul. 17, 2007
- - May. 07, 2006
Small update, very small. - Nov. 21, 2005
Hurry up and eat some of this - Aug. 31, 2005
- - Aug. 18, 2005