I need to make outfits
2:50 p.m. Aug. 17, 2002
The current mood of at


I watched Dueces Wild last night and I really liked it. It's odd, I have always liked movies that were set in the 30's to the 50's.

Earlier, I went late night shopping with Ailah, then took her to Tim Horton's for blueberry muffins. When I got home, Liz came over for a while and we hung out in my room just talking all night. I was supposed to take Ailah over to her place to play with her boys, but my mom just took her for the day, so those plans are off.

Jesse and I also were out late driving around, putting our car stereo to good use, discussing black metal music. I love having a boyfriend who is into the exact same music, movies, clothes and spiritual beliefs as me. We express ourselves very differently, that is where our big miscommunications come into play for us. We're working on it though.

There were two kittens stuck inbetween our shed and fense today. We didn't even know until the humane society showed up and asked if they could pick them up. I didnt' go out, but I wanted to. Jesse took Ailah out to play with them before they were taken away. We really want to get her a kitten. We had two awsome cats when Ailah was born, but I had to send them off to people to keep them while I worked on our place. Jesse's mom had one and his sister had the other. Jesse's mom took the one to the humane society and pissed us all off, because when we tried to look for him, he was gone. We got the other back from his sister, but Jesse let her outside and she didn't really come back for a while. When she did, her sister took her into the humane society too. I mean if we can't get there in that exact moment, they could at least look after them until we get there. Stupid people. I think that all happened around the time I got into an arguement with Jesse's mom, so I kind of feel she did it on purpose.

Anyway, after my mom moves out, we're going to get Ailah a kitten. She has many stuffed ones that she just loves, but nothing is as good as the real thing.

I need to go out and do some good thrift store shopping, or even get some wicked fabric to make something. I need to make

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