3:18 p.m. Jun. 04, 2002
The current mood of at

Last night I had a pretty decent talk with Jesse. We got our misunderstandings figured out more or less. We sat in our bedroom talking for quite a while, I got really mad at him at one point because he just won't listen at times and starts talking when i'm talking and won't shut up, like the jerk he can be, so I raised my voice and told him to shut his mouth, then after that, the conversation grew more interesting and successful.

I have been growing so bitter to him and saying some mean things. Honest things, and some things that I just overkill and make it out to be worse. I didn't think he thought much of them, but it was my way to vent out at him, which isn't nice and he finally let me know how much it hurts him. I explained that i'm angry and when he lacks what I want, I end up seeing everything negative about him and then resenting the person he is.

He also ended up telling me he is still reading my online diaries, which kind of pissed me off because I told him not to anymore. I cut him off access to my written ones at home also, but I can control those. I don't really care too much if he reads my inner most thoughts, It just bugs me that he isn't being honest, even if it is just a small thing such as this.

I did some thinking today too. When I get my tatoo finished on my arm, i'm think i'm going to get my lip pierced too, well the lebret actually. I'm trying to talk Jesse into getting his nipples pierced. He agreed, but he wants to wait a while. Wussy. I want mine done, but i'm going to get the lip done first. Another profession I was thinking about doing temporarily. Tatooing. My tatoo art is so much better than any of my other art and it's the only art that truely relaxes me. With my paintings, it only holds so long. Jesse wants a tatoo also, but he wants me to do it and I have yet to sketch the art for it.

I'm so hungry right now. My younger brother should be picking me up something to munch on, whenever he gets back here. He's dropping off something for Jesse and droppig off some resume's for himself. He should find a job soon, he usually does. He wants to stay in Regina and find his own place. He's staying here with us right now and he's the best roomate a person could ever ask for. Trust me, I would know, I lived with several roomates, even family members for a while and I lost alot of respect and any kind of communication with any of with people can kill off a good relationship, so I don't recommend it.

It's a beautiful day out and I crave the smell of insence. My room has a permanent smell of my rum butter cake i'm thirsty and growing more yungry, so I better go.

I am living in a world that is asleep - Jul. 17, 2007
- - May. 07, 2006
Small update, very small. - Nov. 21, 2005
Hurry up and eat some of this - Aug. 31, 2005
- - Aug. 18, 2005