One less website to run
2:40 p.m. Jan. 16, 2005
The current mood of at

I had the best sleep last night but I was rudely awakened by my son, who practically jumped on my head this morning. Crazy little guy.

Things have been pretty crazy since that little episode and I just know the day is not going to get any easier. I have a lot of things to catch up on. There is a lot to clean in the house and I want to spend a lot of time on my story. We want to try make it out to see a movie but that will mean I'll have to pick up the pace a bit more, which I don't see happening so I think that plan is screwed.

What a weekend though, I did not go out once because of the cold so I spent a lot of time just doing odd things around the house. Maybe I won't cancel any plans to go out so I can actually get out of the house. I have not been out since Tuesday when I had my wisdom tooth removed so that's almost a week being indoors.

I don't know why I'm being such a wuss about the weather. My mom traveled an hour and half to come visit yesterday and it was just as cold. She bought Mael a new jumper and paid off my phone bill. I kind of felt bad about the bill but since around $200 of it was from my sister's calls from Cuba and my mom was insisting that she call to check in a lot so I guess it's kind of fair.

My parents are awesome though. They are so giving, even when I don't need anything. I just love them to pieces.

Anyway, Jesse is giving up the Into Eternity website. He really does not want anything to do with it anymore, especially since all his friends in the band left so dealing with issues take forever. He's been telling me for a while that he wanted to get out of maintaining it. We talked about it Friday night and oddly enough this lady emailed him about wanting to help maintain the site, the exact person he wanted to hand the site over to. Our server was hacked and he put the site back up but without a lot of it's content. He's been pretty busy so the site is just sort of been sitting there and when he finds time you can tell he does not want to bother with it. I told him that I don't want our design to be used, so she will have to work a new one. The graphic was made by me and I insist that it not be used at all.

We are going to be keeping the forum running ourselves. She wanted to move it to ultimate metal (where there is another forum) and I personally don't like that place so we'll just keep it the way it is.

This is all a good thing. Jesse will have so much more time to work on his own personal projects and on mine :)

Talking to my sister on the phone


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