My mutated spiders
1:59 p.m. Jul. 14, 2004
The current mood of at

I really need to relocate to a place where it isn't so hot. I don't mind summer but it's that my body can't handle heat in the first place and this all started to happen around the time I was 18 when I had a series of health problems pop up. Even if most of those prolems are gone, my body is not the same. I miss going to the beach on hot days, I really do.

I'm now spending a lot of time downstairs in my basement where it is nice and cool. We have an air conditioner but I really don't like to use it. Family memebers that come over always try to make me use it and they don't get how I am still trying to conserve energy on the hottest days. I'm not cheap, I just hate wasted energy when it's not needed. My basement is perfect in the summer so why waste? That's my attitude. I don't even like to drive my vehicle unless it's absolutely necessary because I don't like pollution. I also don't leave lights on in my house in any room that doesn't need it and I know so many people who do that which irritates me. If I had it my way I would probably be using a fireplace and candles for heat and lighting. Hey, it's even got a romantic feel.

My basement is great though. We have a second living room down there complete with a big t.v and tons of movies, tons of books, all our excersice equipment, the kids play area and my art space so there is always something to do. That's only half the basement too, the rest is laundry room and storage rooms. I would live down there if it wasn't for spiders. I hate spiders. I like the layout and I desperately want my room down but it's just those damn spiders. They are huge and aggressive.

Last year I was taking some laundry downstairs and this big spider was on the stairs. He was staring at me and would not move. I put my laundry basket beside him and he ran at it, attacking it, then ran at me. I do not like spiders that actually come looking for you. Most spiders I have had an experience with growing up were always trying to hide and get away and were actually normal sized but these ones are unlike any I've ever seen, they are really big too. They are creepy.

We've tried everything to get rid of them but these guys are like roaches, they only seem to be able to die if you actually squish the hell out of them. We kill every single one we can and so far it's been a lot and they are still here. If they were normal house spiders I would leave them alone but these guys aren't normal, they are on steriods or something. When they bite, they can actually leave bruises and that's just not good.

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