Very bad day!
6:56 p.m. Mar. 12, 2004
The current mood of at

None of my plans worked out today. I've been sort of grumpy since. I woke up nice and early and felt nauseated. I was finally able to force down some plain cream of wheat at lunch time then I had to hurry to get some blood tests done.

I can handle seeing my own blood being taken out of me, needles don't scare me and I've never had a problem with any sort of test. Today though I almost fainted and was stuck at my doctor's office for an hour. It was awful. I was seeing double, feeling so wierd and dizzy and ill.

When I was feeling fine again I left but felt weak still, just extremely tired like I could fall asleep anywhere. Luckily Jesse's work is right near by. I stopped there and he took me to get food and drive me home. I bet it was all this lack of eating that did this to me. I just don't have the energy this time around.

This was just such a wierd day. I'm asking this baby to please be kind to me.

I'm just going to spend the next night laying on the couch and watch that movie Jesse brought home last night. He didn't get home until late so I didn't get a chance to watch it. He's going out with a bunch of his friends later so I'll have the house to myself and I'll be able to sprawl out when I go to sleep tonight.

Ahhh...I love having the bed to myself.

I am living in a world that is asleep - Jul. 17, 2007
- - May. 07, 2006
Small update, very small. - Nov. 21, 2005
Hurry up and eat some of this - Aug. 31, 2005
- - Aug. 18, 2005