I wanna die. It's too hot.
1:43 a.m. Jul. 19, 2003
The current mood of at

The heat.

The bloody miserable heat.

I wanted to die today. I just couldn't take it. I played in the pool and in the kids' sprinkler and I sat in front of two fans when I was indoors. I had my moments of grumpiness, I tend to be a grouch in the heat.

We have an air conditioner downstairs that we just keep forgetting to bring up. No, we're not stupid...we just can't seem to remember that damn thing.

My youngest sister left today. I hope she comes back soon. I miss her so much already. I was sitting in my daughters room and we heard a plane in the sky, the plane my sister was taking back to Alberta. My daughter asked me what that noise was and I tried to explain that it was her Aunt Julia way up in the sky, flying home in an air plane. She didn't seem to understand exactly what I was saying.

My daughter is cute though, she still has trouble saying some words, like bathing suit, she calls it a babysoup. If you don't tell her thank you when she gives you something, she'll put her hands on her hips and stare you down with the most evil little eyes, she'll even go right into your face and bluntly say "YOUR WELCOME", hinting for one of us to say thank you. She demands respect that one.

I wanted to call an old close friend of mine today and try get together with her this weekend. I totally forgot about it so I'm going to try again tomorrow. I should just write it on my hand. I have such a terrible memory lately. I can't believe it.

My sister moves out at the end of the month and I will have the whole basement to myself. There is just so much space down there, my sister had her bedroom and her work space down there, so i'm going to have a family room type of thing where the kids can keep it forever messy if they want. My sister's old work space will be my new work space and it's perfect too, there is tons of built in shelving. I wanted to put our bedroom down there, but Jesse hates spiders and in a basement there are plenty of those. I don't mind them too much, just as long as they're not big huge black things.

I hate the big black ones.

I just got the chills as I thought about it.

My mom is going to take care of the business part of my art selling. She came over today and told me to get my ass back to busy and finish the main project. After this oil painting I told her I would. My mom is a business woman, so it helps so much to have her push me forward. I have modivation, just not enough to be a true hard worker. I'm pretty easy going with my art, I'll have moments of crazy painting where I go days doing nothing else, then I take a big long break for a few weeks.

I just need my basement.

I also got my doll in the mail. I got it specifically because it looks like my daughter. I paid an insane price for her, but it was worth it.

Anyway, I should get to bed, I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.

Beautiful night.

I am living in a world that is asleep - Jul. 17, 2007
- - May. 07, 2006
Small update, very small. - Nov. 21, 2005
Hurry up and eat some of this - Aug. 31, 2005
- - Aug. 18, 2005