My back really hurts
12:16 a.m. Jun. 08, 2003
The current mood of at

I'm tired.


My back hurts too.

I have been painting and cleaning all day. I'm now wiped out. My middle finger was stuck after I finished my painting. I literally couldn't move it. It's better now, but my back is still hurting. I must have been really concentrating hard and sitting wierd. I'm a little too serious when I paint.

Hopefully Jesse isn't too tired to hang out with me tonight. I've been all alone without him at night lately. He goes to bed pretty early because he has to be at work at 7am. I feel guilty if I try wake him up in the middle of the night. Weekends are what we have left, well most of the time. Last night he kind of fell asleep early and I was watching scary movies all by myself.

Going to a sex shop was my idea of fun today, but that didn't happen either. He went out to get more computer things with Ailah and my sister and I cleaned the house. It was starting to get hazardous in here with all the kids toys everywhere. There was this push toy laying in the hallway my sister tripped on it. She didn't move it and I ended up tripping on it right after and Gian came following along and tripped as he was right behind me.

I don't know how kids do it.

At least it's just toys. If I can keep all dangerous things away from them that is. My daughter likes to get into things when I forget to put things away. Petroleum jelly was the big thing when Gian was born. I was so tired and always leaving it out and she would get it, twist off the top and start smearing the stuff all over herself.

Now that Gian's older, those messes are not really in occurance anymore. It's just the regular meal times now that I have to worry about Thank god.

My mom called me with another update on my brother. He's doing good, his asthma is better and his swelling finally went down a little today. He'll have to breathe out of the tube for another week though, and will most likely be in the hospital another two weeks. I told my mom to tell him I love him.

I'm thinking about going there next weekend to see him. He lives four hours away and i'm kind of scared to see him when he has a tube in his throat. I'll have to wait and see.

Anyway, I need to stretch my back and go for a midnight walk.

Beautiful night.

I am living in a world that is asleep - Jul. 17, 2007
- - May. 07, 2006
Small update, very small. - Nov. 21, 2005
Hurry up and eat some of this - Aug. 31, 2005
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