Blooming blossoms
8:56 p.m. May. 23, 2003
The current mood of at

My trip got cancelled this morning. I was up really early, tired as hell and cranky, but that wasn't why it was cancelled, it was cancelled because of Jesse. I don't want to go into it right now because i'm not really up to talking about it.

He did buy me the Lenore lunchbox today though and wants to get me the keychain. Okay with me.

I just finished watching the Emperial Live DVD, which I just love watching. Emperor is my favorite black metal band, hell they're on my top five list. I just wish they were still together, they all do there own thing now, which don't even compare to what Emperor ever was.

I'm going to watch Melena, starring Monica Bellucci. I just want to watch a movie alone for once, there is Jesse here, my sister and her boyfriend, the kids and well, I just never get to do things peacefully. Maybe I should just read a book hidden away in my bedroom.

Maybe I should just work on writing my novel.

Maybe I should do a lot of things.

An old friend called me today. We caught up on things and chatted for almost an hour. I miss her. We've been friends for seven years now, the only friend in this city that has been my friend that long. I have another friend that i've still keep up with and I first met her sixteen years ago. It would be nice to get together with either of them sometime soon. It's easier for the one in this city, yet we just never get around to doing it. We both have toddlers and she's a busy single mom and i'm still undergoing all kinds of tests.

I think i'm going to go for a midnight walk tonight. I love walking around my neighborhood when everyone is asleep, our neighborhood is so peaceful and there are blooming blossoms everywhere. It's the most delicious smell.

I am living in a world that is asleep - Jul. 17, 2007
- - May. 07, 2006
Small update, very small. - Nov. 21, 2005
Hurry up and eat some of this - Aug. 31, 2005
- - Aug. 18, 2005