the plague
6:37 p.m. Oct. 09, 2002
The current mood of at

Deadboy - Strange Television

My new baby nephew was born at 2:33am this morning. He looks just like my older brother I guess, but with a smaller nose, which is good since my brother's nose is kind of big, not to sound mean or anything. Hehe. My older brother looks nothing like the rest of us. My younger sibling and I all look like a bunch of twins, but with different colored eyes and hair. You can really tell we have a mixed backround. I'm the really white one and the rest just kind of get a shade darker, or their eyes get lighter. I wish I could have at least gotten my dad's eyes, they're hazel green and mine are a very dark brown, they look like black holes and it really looks odd since my skin is so white. Both my kids have my dark eyes, but they're not as pale as me. Okay i'm sounding stupid now.

I had a dream that there was some kind of disease spreading throughout the world, like the plague. It really reminded me of THE STAND. It didn't really creep me out seeing people dying all night in my head, but when I woke up, it really made me think. I told my mom about it, but she just thinks something is wrong with me because I have such horrible gory dreams. I'm going to write it all down in my dream book before I fall asleep tonight. I'm falling behind with recording my dreams, I'm already forgetting some of them.

I'm going shopping again tonight, but I don't know who with. My mom really wants to come with me and so does Jesse. I'll see what's more convenient for me.

Anyway, Jesse made fish for supper, so i'm going to eat.

Beautiful night.

I am living in a world that is asleep - Jul. 17, 2007
- - May. 07, 2006
Small update, very small. - Nov. 21, 2005
Hurry up and eat some of this - Aug. 31, 2005
- - Aug. 18, 2005