new faery wings for a faery baby
11:35 p.m. Oct. 03, 2002
The current mood of at

Nine Inch Nails - eraser

Jesse bought me some things today. He got me a black Emily hat with ears and cat eyes on them and some wooly mittens. We were out shopping today and picked up some sparkly blue faery wings for Ailah, she loves them, she jumped on my bed all evening pretending to fly. So adorable. We were out for a few hours going to most of our favorite places to shop, we even stopped in at Chapter's to look at books. I mostly sat and read scripts of the Soprano's. Jesse was looking at guitar books for his sister. We could have spent all our money, but we refrained our selves from doing so.

Everything is starting to feel better with myself. I'm able to move around without anymore pain at all and I can even sleep on my sides. I'm still not able to sleep on my tummy though, which is bad since it's the only way I can sleep. I've now been taking an hour to fall asleep. I spent most of last night tossing and turning, so I wrote in my diary and filled the last four pages with my strange little thoughts. I have to choose which new one to write in now since everyone in my family bought me a new diary for my birthday. They know me all too well.

My mom lent me a book called Mouthing The words, it's about a girl who's sexually abused by her father and grows up with her imaginary friends and all her funny adventures of being messed up. My mom choses great books, she also bought me a book on herbalism for children. Jesse has many books on herbalism, now we have a good one for the kids. While driving around to our desired destinations I read the book, amazed at the new things I was learning. I now know many new natural ways to make my little babies feel better when they're sick.

My dad called me too, he wants me to go up there in two weeks to watch his house and make Jesse job search. Sounds like a great plan, I just hope I feel like going around that time. I change my mind so often depending on my mood. I want to buy new boots and a new winter coat if I do go there. I have kick ass coats, long black wool ones with the soft fuzz on the cuffs, but I want something new this year, which sounds almost stupid since I hate most of what is out there. I'm too picky.

Anyway, I'm off to check my message boards. Beautiful night.

I am living in a world that is asleep - Jul. 17, 2007
- - May. 07, 2006
Small update, very small. - Nov. 21, 2005
Hurry up and eat some of this - Aug. 31, 2005
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