kitties under the shed
6:01 p.m. Aug. 19, 2002
The current mood of at

Tori Amos - Siren

Remember when I said there were some cats caught in our fense the other day. Well there are four more kittens hiding under the shed. Jesse brought the little black one in and we all played with it, Ailah named him Buddy. I don't want to call the humane society, I want to keep at least one of them. They're so adorable and I realized how much I missed having cats. I miss my old white kitty Daggen. He was run over and the day I heard about it, I cried and stayed in bed because I felt so bad that I didn't pick him up sooner. I should have searched all night until I found him...He would still be here.

I painted last night. I painted for hours, listening to Tiamat, burning insence and lost in deep though, and after all that, I only finished a small piece. I gave it to Jesse though, he just fell in love with it so I had to. I did get some purple oil paint on one of my nice shirts, I accidently dropped one of my brushes on it as I was moving things around. I cleaned the spot with my paint cleaner, then soaked it and its now back to normal.

I did get my room moved around, and it took me a while to clean it, I actually had to finish cleaning it today. It was mostly CD's, pillows, clothes and books all over the place.

Jesse and I are making alfredo for supper. He is just starting it. I am so hungry, I feel as though I could eat a greasy cheeseburger, something I rarely ever do.

Anyway, I'm going to play something by Dax Riggs, just so I can hear his beautiful voice as I go and chop some tomatoes.

I am living in a world that is asleep - Jul. 17, 2007
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