my old home
12:20 a.m. Jul. 11, 2002
The current mood of at

VNV Nation

Okay, so we found a place. Right where I used to live while I was going to high school. Everything is renovated, so it's not the same, yet in a way it is. Oh the memories it brings back.

My bedroom. Walls plastered with pictures and art. The most significant part of it, my alter. The candles, the beautiful candlelight that filled the dark room every night. I even kept a cooler filled with ice for my alcohol. I would sit around and either drink with friends while listening to music, or I would be alone or with friends sitting in front of the alter, working on rituals and spells. Getting in touch with ourselves and eachother.

I would write in my diaries, write my short stories, write my erotica and write poetry with my best friend. My world was filled with so much writing, so much raw creativity.

Then there was high school. I actually really miss high school. I loved going to school, I loved having tons of friends and I loved where I lived. I love that we are going to be living there again. We are right be the university too, which is even better.

On another note. My Ailah has been sick. Symtoms of food poisoning. I know what it was now, I found one of her sippy cups that went missing and it was full of old milk. She didn't seem to mind it's taste when I found her drinking it. She's slowing getting better though, she just can't stomack anything related to what made her sick, no milk for her for now.

I've been doing endless loads of laundry. All her bedding. She was vomitting in her sleep overnight. Everytime I heard her on the monitor I would go in her room and check on her and there would be another mess. It would be easier if I could have had her spend the night in my room, but she just won't sleep if she knows im there, she thinks it's play time. I just finished washing all her bedding for the third time.

I'm still just so excited about where i'll be moving at the end of this month. The place is just too nice.

Anyway, I hear my son waking. Beautiful night.

I am living in a world that is asleep - Jul. 17, 2007
- - May. 07, 2006
Small update, very small. - Nov. 21, 2005
Hurry up and eat some of this - Aug. 31, 2005
- - Aug. 18, 2005