Ghosts in my house???
1:13 p.m. Oct. 10, 2003
The current mood of at

Last night as I was getting into bed when Jesse asked me why I have been sleeping with the lamp on during the past few nights. I said I wasn't. He said for the past two weeks he's had to turn the lamp off when he gets up in the mornings. I actually remember something like that happening at one time, but I thought it was him who turned the lamp on.

It really creeped me out when he told me that. A few nights ago I was laying in bed and I swear I heard someone walking through the house, yet it was very faint so I thought it was just my daughter playing in her room. I went to check and it was not her at all, she was sound asleep. I told Jesse not long ago that it felt like someone was watching me.

While my sister was living here we heard footsteps upstairs. We thought it was her boyfriend wandering around with him boots on, so Jesse went up to see him, but he wasn't there, no one was.

I believe in ghosts and spirits and I'm normally not bothered when things happen that have no logical explaination, but the lamp thing creeped me out because it's right beside my side of the bed and it's been doing this constantly and now I feel somethings been there with me every night because there is no possible way that I am doing it in my sleep.

I guess I shouldn't be creeped out until I have actually seen something.

I'm not actually frightened or I don't feel anything negative about all this stuff. I'll probably forget all about it by tonight.

Anyway, enough about that.

I went to my nephew's first birthday party yesterday and had a fun time. I gave him a Winnie the Poo dish set, so now he has his own set of cups, bowls and plates. I figured it would be a good gift since my mom got him a little table and chair set. I couldn't think of anything to get him until then and it was a last minute thing.

After the party I came home and had the kids in bed I watched the movie WILLARD. That was a wierd movie. Jesse really wanted to see it so I agreed...we rented another movie..but I can't for the life of me remember which one it is and we're supposed to watch that one tonight.

Obviously I have no friday night plans. Tomorrow I'm going to the art gallery and that's about it.

I am living in a world that is asleep - Jul. 17, 2007
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